
Tuesday, August 14, 2018

فتيان المساجد

#فتيان_المساجد An activity that started in Ramadan and continued till now with 70 boys who pray Fajr in masjid. This is number one activity through all my career because it has a sublime goal which is Jannah. All thanks to those gentlemen who are in charge and responsible for them, and the one who came up with the idea and did his best to bring it to life. May God grant them all paradise and AlFerdous 😍

Friday, August 10, 2018


An exceptional gentleman who is so dynamic and working day and night to fulfill his dreams engaging everyone around to make perfect. He did what many others did do being afraid of the first step, although it had lot of obstacles which is normal in any project you work in, but it succeed and was amazing, ALL the Wishes for you Esmail in your PHD progress right now🔝🔜


A friend who expresses her love and thoughts easily passionately makes you feel how important and meaningful to her and how effective you are ..... thanks Ghada for your feelings I do really appreciate you. YOU ARE AN AMAZING LADY 💖