
educ 560


          Working on google drive is a new feature I am introduced to. It is captivating where you can do different stuff on it specially saving without the need to since it is a real problem we always face while working, it happened with me lot of times, and I get mostly insane. Also, the sharing stuff is great, chatting, commenting, I loved it.


Using google forms and slides are very helpful and make work easier. knowing how to make a questionnaire which facilitates gathering information and making statistics. Also, another way to use forms is to make quizzes with direct corrections and giving the result. So, interesting and useful.Using all kinds of questions multiple choice, true and false, write complete answer, scale choosing the correct mode. Be careful to open the quizzes or any thing you want from the settings. The slides are used to make presentations on PechaKuchas 20 slides 20 seconds each, it's similar to power point presentations with certain differences.

             Blog and its secrets, the hidden way to have your identity, you can     Image result for pic of google blog icon
    create it the way you prefer. It is open for everyone to share any kind of information, it                        is so helpful to classify your work or interests according to your objective behind it. You can                change it to professional job where you benefit financially from it. You can post by making a post, page, you can insert links, the padlet of yours, and your web quests; It is part of the social media but more professional, not everyone likes to access it. This is the most idea that attra ted me in this course in fact, till this moment after we finish the course I keep going back to it and reflect on it and share special moments with my followers. 

         In each session there is a new idea we learn, in the last one we learned how to make a poster. Making a poster is specific in all its details, choosing the size of he poster A0, the general form, fonts, colors and its contrast, size of fonts, spacing is used to separate the parts without the need to use arrows or lines to separate, and how to organize it from top to bottom; all these points make the poster a perfect one. When you learn it you understand the effort one made to finish the poster so its very important to respect the copy rights. You may use a template to make it, or start your own by power point blank sheet.

             A really new thing I've learned today, "Padlet", it simplifies and makes brainstorming, taking feedback, making sure everyone shares and got the point, commenting, rating, liking and check by quick short answers about what they did. 

     Image result for sites icon   Web Quest, making a site at google, using google applications, it is a page where you can use it in education making it enjoyable and more fun with what they like. You can name by the goal you are working on, making as many pages as you want to explain your point like introduction (home page, cover picture), tasks (what the students are going to do), process or procedure (steps on what they should do, it must be clear, brief, direct), task or whatever needed links, pictures, directions, video, documents, forms, these are materials you give students to achieve the task, and any idea that comes to your mind, plus add evaluation, criteria, or rubric. It helps a lot when internet is available for students in school or this is a job to be done home. 

                 Making a rubric was a worry and limited before we were introduced to rubistar. First you should make an account on, make an account, then you are ready to choose the rubric you need according to the skill you're working on. Also, you can choose the category you need and modify it in case it doesn't fir your students too much, you can save as, or snip it and insert it where ever you need. Really it made my task easier and faster to use it in my web quest, it was a story rubric.  Ms.M AlKhatib, on my gmail: 

             Hyperlink, today we were introduced to how we can make a hyperlink on our work, find the link you want, on the page write the title, highlight it. click the hyper link icon paste the link, apply, then instead of having a long link you can click the word and use whatever is there.We used this in the web quest to supervise the students search for what we need. 

      Related image Activinspire software is a way to use the smart board in teaching which makes teaching and learning more interesting and attractive. We were introduced to all its tools from A to Z because most of us do know nothing about it. The name of the page is flip chart, how to calibrate the pen to be used precisely at the definite place needed. The tool bar, we can dock it on the side we want, you can from action browser, drag and drop, choose the tool you want to make clear for them just to use this needed item, you can also lock the pic and any item on the board by selecting the item, right click, locked in the presentation mode (blue) it doesn't move but in the design mode it moves to make the changes needed. If you want to make a new page press the arrow to move the next page; a nice feature is the revealer, it is like a curtain to hide the content and show only what you want, to add it go tools revealer, you can make the revealer saved for all pages at the same level. You can use the notes for every activity if there is something specific you want to tell or highlight in this question, and to remember it you can drag the notes icon to the page from the action browser.  Another feature is the transition between the pages, view, page transition, choose the form you want, it works on the presentation mode only. Also you can hide the answers in into different ways. either you write the answer with white, give them time to solve the question and give answers then you color the background of the page with any color to show the answer, here you have to drag the color bucket to the page, or  you write the answer then use the shapes to hide the answer from the insert icon, select the shape then press the sun (transparency slide) to show the answer. Spotlight, you get it from tools, or property browser, tools, used to focus on one item per time; if you want to stop it go tools spotlight tools off or click again. Magic ink, it is in the tools section, it has layers top, middle and bottom, to erase any thing from the layer it should be on the top layer then choose the magic ink, you can put two pictures above each other one solved and the not. Tool tick, write the answer, cover it, but if you select it the answer appears then disappears when you select another one, browser object select.
More interesting ideas to apply on activinspire, container to classify and categories anything you need in all courses and you can make the option to reject the items not related to the keyword of the container, also we have the magic hat to label or kind of matching by picking randomly any answer and you should know where to place it.

Image result for icon of kahoot We were introduced to a new application called Kahoot. It is useful, saving time, interesting, and fun at the same time. You can use it to sum up the lesson, to check understanding of everyone using time to be definite and fast thinking. You give the question, choices and time for each answer, the teacher can show the result and percentage of the correct answer also who is the first and fast one to give a correct answer. It can be downloaded on smart phones and work on them even of there is not enough for all, make them groups and work.  

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        Virtual classroom learning, a new experience to change the way of teaching where students are attracted and like learning more. Also, it helps in including all your needs in one place without facing the problem of forgetting or virus issue. Hyperlinking in all its ways for word documents, video, google documents, power point, padlet, or any other way needed you can use.  VCT project was a challenge to fulfill all the small details that make the work successful and easy to use. Here we included all what we've learned through out the semester, it was demanding but you feel I did an accomplishment with a high five for yourself, specially I worked alone and have to be careful for every single point specially hyperlinking all documents or embedding them making sure they work, also the swtiching from slide to slide, every tiny detail.


  1. really,google makes our work much easier alwayss☺

    1. sure, but you should know how to use correctly and effectively :)

  2. It is so important to keep learning new things as in this way we're refreshing our minds.Good luck dear mona
