
Monday, February 26, 2018

Favorite Course

         The title of this course attracted me and I was excited to start it because I like to learn how to create a blog, website, and make questioners.  Seeing things ready all the time for me raised my curiosity to learn them happily. My nephew once told me you must make a blog but I didn't take it seriously, although I am still thinking about it. So, I am ready for any kind of learning here. Every session opens a new way for change and going on in a different special new way where it leads to more horizons and giving us the chance to better citizens and more efficient for our family, society, country, and even the world. All what I learned this semester here is mainly new, it is so beneficial for everyone not restricted to one domain or group of people; Everyone take a chance and move on with the new generation for a better life and future 👍 to leave your print and be remembered by your great change and evolve for the best. 


  1. this is my first post which was done at class on spot :)

  2. Ohhh great ...i am so excited to see more of or stuffs 🍿🍿🍿

    1. thnxxxxxxx honey, inshallah you will see and like them too ;)

  3. Using the blog in your work shows how much this course is really beneficial. It's nice of you that you chose to be a teacher for students with different abilities. This makes you special. May God bless your good work!

    1. thank you for your compliment; you are such a great teacher and mom too :)
