
Tuesday, March 13, 2018


            Being in the educational field requires and puts you in loads of responsibility not in front of students and administration but the crucial part is the parents. They have the right to worry about their kids but be careful about your way of addressing the teacher, choice of words, tone, voice,and all reactions that you make. On Monday 12, I checked my phone after the class to see three missed calls from an unknown number, I called back to see what is the urgent thing, parents blaming the cleaner for being irresponsible,; at the spot I denied it because it is prohibited in my staff and ended the call. What made me furious, their exaggeration for the idea and calling the teacher for their kids to threaten in a way or another, even talking with the director of the association, it was the end of my patience. In the morning, I called the father and explained everything I want; directly after my call the mother called excusing and lot sorry words. So, don't put yourself in such an embarrassing situation, think wisely before you act. 😠     


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  2. Hhhhhhh ...thank you for sharing such an experience ..we are learning from it wishes 🌹🌹🌹🌹
