
Monday, March 12, 2018

Unexpected :(

          :( Coming energetic to work at the morning after three days off is a bonus motive. I was waiting one of my colleagues to arrive, we arrive earlier than others, so we have our own chat with special flavor, this is the only time we can have a private talk. Education for her is a red line, she gives all her energy to change and help students be better, where ever there is a place to learn, you find her in the front row, she shares in any workshop or training sessions needed to improve her skills plus she reads too.  My friend didn't show up, why? no reason; I didn't think of the class what stopped me is that she is never absent and she didn't tell even, so directly I called her "her number is off", I know her mother's number is off too; also her sister's is busy all the time, I worried a lot, I looked for her other sister's number and called her, I wasn't convinced by her excuse, till now I don't know why. Hope nothing bad happened.


  1. when I am reading your post and your reflection about your friend, I become very happy when reading this kind of characteristics that your friend has.Really these characteristics are required for every teacher or everyone who wants to be a great teacher.but unfortunately, when I knew your connection with her is cutting off, I felt very sorry and worry about her. Ask God to protect her and make her shines in her job and life every time.

  2. I reconnected with her, and she is back, you will be such an active teacher 💕
