
Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Field Trips

      Education is open ended 😅. There are no limits for grasping information and being more knowledgeable. There are many great ways in teaching specially in our days where everything is ready for them. One of the very effective ways of teaching is engaging students in the lesson by making them live the situation in all its tiny details including the five senses. As the quote emphasizes " Tell me I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. Today we took the students to the vegetables and fruits store where they were introduced to different and new kinds. The teacher took the flashcards of all vegetables and fruits and they put each one beside its real part. They were so welcomed by the man in charge there, the students felt so proud of themselves and didn't want to leave, enjoying their time. Even if you can't take them to the field, try to let them live the atmosphere and express about it. 


  1. As you mentioned, kids learn better when they are involved in the lesson. Also, they have the right to be exposed to different experiences and activities. Such as be taken to field trips. I am sure your students enjoyed the lesson since they were able to learn from it as well as have fun through the trip. Keep on doing engaging activities for your students!

    1. inshallah you too 😍 enjoy ur teaching years
