
Wednesday, March 28, 2018

If We Know

            If we know the importance of the knowledge that is available for us easily and in our hands in one press, we wouldn't leave a moment without grasping every point and benefiting from it. It takes time and a lot of it actually, but can you compare yourself with and without this knowledge, definitely and huge difference in the way of thinking, perceiving things, analyzing, solving problems of life from the smallest point to the highest. I mentioned this because I touched it myself during my career and specially this year when I decided to continue my studies. The world of education is so wide, but we have to upgrade it continuously and independently not waiting anyone to push us forward, this needs intrinsic motivation; this helps a lot in changing your view to your job to the second bank of the river. Personally, if I took the TD courses before my teaching life would be far better than what I had, specially since I started, the information wasn't ready any moment I need. So, just take the advantage of what you have and never still silent saying I don't know, or why to bother this is them, no way to change and other terms we always hear from teachers and anyone in charge. Everything can be done and achieved if you have the will to grow and develop;


  1. Actually we are lucky of having lots and lots of information, books, articles, research papers, magazines... all available to us. Only by single click, trillions of information will come out. But the challenge is in authenticity of them! As you said we have no excuse to say we don't know!!

  2. Especially that we are teachers! In order to be a successful teacher you MUST be very knowledgeable. And we should never stop learning. I liked that you have read things you are taking in TD now, Mona. Also I have met different teachers with us in class that told me that they have done training courses and took some of what we learn in TD. I think that is a good indicator that our future teachers will be more effective.

    1. so true, you have a great advantage to have a clear bright future with the information you're having this year
