
Friday, September 21, 2018

Monday, September 10, 2018

Tomouh Team

It took us lot of time to come up with this amazing board, but we couldn't find it without working hard together hand in hand, heart on heart for special outcome. Great job ladies, Tomouh team is the best team ever with their hearts, hands, and thoughts on their work, loyalty and faith in the work are what produces this extra result. πŸ’—

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

فΨͺΩŠΨ§Ω† Ψ§Ω„Ω…Ψ³Ψ§Ψ¬Ψ―

#فΨͺΩŠΨ§Ω†_Ψ§Ω„Ω…Ψ³Ψ§Ψ¬Ψ― An activity that started in Ramadan and continued till now with 70 boys who pray Fajr in masjid. This is number one activity through all my career because it has a sublime goal which is Jannah. All thanks to those gentlemen who are in charge and responsible for them, and the one who came up with the idea and did his best to bring it to life. May God grant them all paradise and AlFerdous 😍

Friday, August 10, 2018


An exceptional gentleman who is so dynamic and working day and night to fulfill his dreams engaging everyone around to make perfect. He did what many others did do being afraid of the first step, although it had lot of obstacles which is normal in any project you work in, but it succeed and was amazing, ALL the Wishes for you Esmail in your PHD progress right nowπŸ”πŸ”œ


A friend who expresses her love and thoughts easily passionately makes you feel how important and meaningful to her and how effective you are ..... thanks Ghada for your feelings I do really appreciate you. YOU ARE AN AMAZING LADY πŸ’–

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


iftar with u was a bless, I really enjoyed it. thank you all for this nice time 😍

Monday, May 14, 2018

Fun Time

                 Enjoying our time with the special needs students who filled the air with love πŸ’–, positive attitudes, and laughs 🀣. You can't imagine how euphoric they owned the world 🌍at that moment.
I was so engaged wit them all, jumping, dancing, singing, climbing, and whatever comes to your mind. yup, they are different but never to compare because they don't let you do so, they are always surprising us with what they know and how to clarify their points LOVE them all.😍

Monday, April 30, 2018


       Fatima and her love for octopus from the first sight 😍 she recites his song watching it on you tube. In love with her way of talking and soft sound. πŸ˜„

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Rahofti πŸ˜™

Rahaf 😍, my gorgeous neice. She is of me, I love her personality, strength, confidence, linguistic usage of words older than her age. Everytime I drive her with me rather than all other neices and nephews. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Neices 😍

Learning in and by nature is essential in educational process, sitting in the class is one way of learning. My neices were so happy 😁 playing with soil, throwing, digging, and making shapes and guessing what, so much fun. They were singing and calling others to join them, I found them so engaged, I came close and felt how they are excited with full attention that's because they chose it. We can include the learners in the type of practice to do and we will find a difference in their understanding and awarness of the necessity of being part of the class 😌 they know, let us them feel it then we are going to be amazed by their brilliancy 😎. Next time they came, Fatima, in red, directly went down to the garden to continue playing and discovering new things, Learning what they need to know, not we want to teach, so it's their needs not ours.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

If We Know

            If we know the importance of the knowledge that is available for us easily and in our hands in one press, we wouldn't leave a moment without grasping every point and benefiting from it. It takes time and a lot of it actually, but can you compare yourself with and without this knowledge, definitely and huge difference in the way of thinking, perceiving things, analyzing, solving problems of life from the smallest point to the highest. I mentioned this because I touched it myself during my career and specially this year when I decided to continue my studies. The world of education is so wide, but we have to upgrade it continuously and independently not waiting anyone to push us forward, this needs intrinsic motivation; this helps a lot in changing your view to your job to the second bank of the river. Personally, if I took the TD courses before my teaching life would be far better than what I had, specially since I started, the information wasn't ready any moment I need. So, just take the advantage of what you have and never still silent saying I don't know, or why to bother this is them, no way to change and other terms we always hear from teachers and anyone in charge. Everything can be done and achieved if you have the will to grow and develop;

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Grade 8 Girl

           I was connected with eight grade girls whom I knew since they were in grade two. There was this girl who used to be a bright one that attracted me with her witness and smartness, meeting her again was a nice thing for me; day after day I realized her enthusiasm specially in writing is down and didn't want to give it a try, I always asked her, " What is going on?" "Why don't you want to write?" " I know you can do it.", but she didn't give a reasonable reason till one day I asked them to write a narrative essay about something bad happened with them; Here she wrote me why she had changed. " They used to make a contest in Arabic for speech in the school, she had the priority to share every time but that teacher chose her daughter; that upset her and her friends a lot and decided never to share or give it time since it is known who will share; here I made up my mind and decided to keep trying because I believe in her, I left her a note at the end of her essay. I encouraged her to read and write whatever comes to her mind and never to let ant one put your dreams and abilities down; this hint was the fruit at the end of every piece of writing from me to her and vice versa, we enjoyed the idea, and till now we are in touch that helped her a lot in writing and expressing herself freely.

Friday, March 16, 2018


Tuesday,March 13, 2018
The webinar was about Emotional Intelligence, there were three speakers Steve Goodner, Hanely Brile, and Kelli Scuhulte. First they welcomed us all, then they defined it: "Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others. It is generally said to include three skills: emotional awareness; the ability to harness emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and problem solving; and the ability to manage emotions, which includes regulating your own emotions and cheering up or calming down other people. Energy has a big role in emotions and how to it leads our life. Also they mentioned the deeper goal in ones life, this goal adds value to many people across the world. To improve Emotional Intelligence, first we should slow down and be careful, connect together and communicate, find time to listen, create self knowledge, you need road map to know where you go, your abilities to pick up the outcome you want. So everyone needs a noble goal that drives you to help yourself and others by which you will be a happy better motivated person.  

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Special Educational Days

         In this month there are more than one occasion related to education in general and for special needs too. As we know March 9 is teachers' Day, and we have in March 21 Down Syndrome πŸ˜‡ International Day. It is the day of awareness, getting to teach, making people aware, showing their abilities and how much they can do; they are a very cute group where they have a very unique personality. While writing this post, an idea popped up to apply at the center where every Down Syndrome kid is going to present something special and present it in front of others; we worked since the beginning of the year to strengthen their personality and not to feel shy in public because it is a trait in them in general while other times you see how bold they become; all of them are one shape one mixes up in them for the first time. We always make activities at these occasions as in December 3 we had a special activity where parents saw their kids on stage and felt so proud of their achievements, really it was so touchable. Wish for all kids happy life with their beloved ones. 😍

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Field Trips

      Education is open ended πŸ˜…. There are no limits for grasping information and being more knowledgeable. There are many great ways in teaching specially in our days where everything is ready for them. One of the very effective ways of teaching is engaging students in the lesson by making them live the situation in all its tiny details including the five senses. As the quote emphasizes " Tell me I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. Today we took the students to the vegetables and fruits store where they were introduced to different and new kinds. The teacher took the flashcards of all vegetables and fruits and they put each one beside its real part. They were so welcomed by the man in charge there, the students felt so proud of themselves and didn't want to leave, enjoying their time. Even if you can't take them to the field, try to let them live the atmosphere and express about it. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


            Being in the educational field requires and puts you in loads of responsibility not in front of students and administration but the crucial part is the parents. They have the right to worry about their kids but be careful about your way of addressing the teacher, choice of words, tone, voice,and all reactions that you make. On Monday 12, I checked my phone after the class to see three missed calls from an unknown number, I called back to see what is the urgent thing, parents blaming the cleaner for being irresponsible,; at the spot I denied it because it is prohibited in my staff and ended the call. What made me furious, their exaggeration for the idea and calling the teacher for their kids to threaten in a way or another, even talking with the director of the association, it was the end of my patience. In the morning, I called the father and explained everything I want; directly after my call the mother called excusing and lot sorry words. So, don't put yourself in such an embarrassing situation, think wisely before you act. 😠     

Monday, March 12, 2018

Unexpected :(

          :( Coming energetic to work at the morning after three days off is a bonus motive. I was waiting one of my colleagues to arrive, we arrive earlier than others, so we have our own chat with special flavor, this is the only time we can have a private talk. Education for her is a red line, she gives all her energy to change and help students be better, where ever there is a place to learn, you find her in the front row, she shares in any workshop or training sessions needed to improve her skills plus she reads too.  My friend didn't show up, why? no reason; I didn't think of the class what stopped me is that she is never absent and she didn't tell even, so directly I called her "her number is off", I know her mother's number is off too; also her sister's is busy all the time, I worried a lot, I looked for her other sister's number and called her, I wasn't convinced by her excuse, till now I don't know why. Hope nothing bad happened.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

March 9 πŸ’•

     Teacher' day 🌹, this is a day where teachers feel the need for a look and a special one too, especially if it is a surprise not expected. For me this year was different since I am not in the class although still in the education zone. It is my second year in charge for teachers at Tomouh association for special needs, at this level you don't think of yourself but of your staff and how to show them appreciation for their hard work all year days. Such a glimpse for them makes them feel glad and have identity, the feeling of giving in a different way experiencing new feelings is enough for me. At celebrating time, laughs and love filled the air where everyone was having fun, also not to forget the selfies  🀳part where shots all over the place, it was a friendly gathering showing your other side which is hidden at work time because you can't express it. At this day, I hope this day pushes and gives a new start of giving loving and bringing great minds into practice, having in mind the importance of your job although it is full of difficulties. Happy Joyful Amazing Great not day but always and ever 😍.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Shamshom :)

                          After a year of working with Sham (Autism case), she is in a higher level now and started to talk and express her needs. We are still giving her the effort needed to get the best results. Shamshom, ;)

New Comer

                     Ibrahim the Autistic Child who joined our association today is a real challenge for us. We are so ready and excited to pour every any thing needed to give him a hand for developing and being totally independent. All prayers and wishes for you Barhoma :)

Tuesday, February 27, 2018


     Upgrading is new-old word in usage. Whenever we hear it, we think of upgrading applications and any kind of technology. But today's use of this is KNOWLEDGE upgrading. One must be up-to-date in his career to stay on the track and ahead in the information and latest researches specialists have achieved. So, we must be aware of this point because learning has no end, no age limitation, non stop process in all life sides educational, social life, profession, or whatever comes to your mind. One of the most important effective jobs is teaching. From my observations and studying I found how important the teacher's need for being updated with the new methods of teaching with all the changes that formed and became an essential part of our lives, even directing it we like or not. So, stay tuned with all new things related to your job or interests.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Special needs Hamodi

the cute Mohammad who is so excited to have a hand in every detail around him, blessed

Special needs Yazan

 Special needs learning as normal students, here Yazan is writing his English activity

Favorite Course

         The title of this course attracted me and I was excited to start it because I like to learn how to create a blog, website, and make questioners.  Seeing things ready all the time for me raised my curiosity to learn them happily. My nephew once told me you must make a blog but I didn't take it seriously, although I am still thinking about it. So, I am ready for any kind of learning here. Every session opens a new way for change and going on in a different special new way where it leads to more horizons and giving us the chance to better citizens and more efficient for our family, society, country, and even the world. All what I learned this semester here is mainly new, it is so beneficial for everyone not restricted to one domain or group of people; Everyone take a chance and move on with the new generation for a better life and future πŸ‘ to leave your print and be remembered by your great change and evolve for the best.